December – The First Month

Daddy Holding His Children

Daddy, Big Girl and Little Man

Sister and Brother Waking From A Nap

Sister and Brother Waking From A Nap

Sleeping In My Arms In The Office

Sleeping In My Arms In The Office

Sleeping and Eating Well

Sleeping and Eating Well

Waking Up From A Nap

Waking Up From A Nap

Sleeping While Resting On His Arm

Sleeping While Resting On His Arm

First Week At Home

Taking A Bath, Already Too Big For The Sink

Taking A Bath, Already Too Big For The Sink

Getting Some Sun On The Porch

Getting Some Sun On The Porch

Sleeping In The Car Seat

Sleeping In The Car Seat

Daddy Holding His Children

Daddy, Big Girl and Little Man

Mommy and Sister Loving Him Up

First Day At Wellington Apartment

Mommy and Sister Loving Him Up

Mommy and Sister Loving Him Up

Being Gentle With The Day Old

Days After Birth, Still At The Hospital

Shortly After Birth

Shortly After Birth
Taking A Break with Malee
Taking A Break with Malee
Being Gentle With The Day Old
Being Gentle With The Day Old
Being Cozy In A Blanket
Being Cozy In A Blanket

Shortly After Birth

Hello World, I Am Born!

Our little man, born by caesarean in Wellington, New Zealand on Nov. 23rd 2010.

He weighed 9lbs 1oz.  We don’t know the length exactly but he was pretty long.

Shortly After Birth

Shortly After Birth

Mommy Going Through Some Contractions

Mommy Going Through Some Contractions

Mommy Going Through Some Contractions